Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2023 - Photos of Instagram Category Winner
© Yhabril Moro / Red Bull Illume

10 categories for submission

Whether you are an amateur or professional photographer, young content creator, social media enthusiast or a videographer – there is a category for you!
Written by Red Bull Illume
3 min readUpdated on
Categories are influential in the judges’ selection – so choosing the right one is essential!

Submissions to the following categories were open from May 1 – July 31, 2023, on our website :


Emerging with Canon

Fresh eyes offer new angles. This is the up-and-coming category for rising talents to compete on a similar footing - submissions are accepted only from photographers up to the age of 25.
Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2023 - Emerging with Canon Category Winner

Gonzalo Robert Parraguez

© Gonzalo Robert Parraguez / Red Bull Illume



Images that demonstrate the force that powers an action and show the energy, speed and strength required for an athlete to perform.
Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2023 - Energy Category Winner

Ted Grambeau

© Ted Grambeau / Red Bull Illume


Innovation by MPB

Images that reveal a unique angle, a visual idea, a different format, light and flash effects... something never seen before!
Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2023 - Innovation by MPB Overall Winner

Krystle Wright

© Krystle Wright / Red Bull Illume


Lifestyle by COOPH

Images that visually capture the creativity of the lifestyle, music and culture that surrounds adventure and action sports, or represents what happens before, between, and after the action.
Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2023 - Lifestyle by COOPH Category Winner

Ross Taylor

© Ross Taylor / Red Bull Illume


Masterpiece by Sölden

Images that illuminate your artistic skill, your personal best, your unique style - give us your best shot!
Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2023 - Masterpiece by Sölden Category Winner

Lorenz Holder

© Lorenz Holder / Red Bull Illume


Playground by Radiant Photo

Images that showcase the landscapes, locations, platforms, and environments in which athletes play.
Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2023 - Playground by Radiant Photo Category Winner

Jb Liautard

© Jb Liautard / Red Bull Illume



Images that have been enhanced digitally or in the darkroom through alterations made in the production or digital editing process. This is an open category, so anything goes!
Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2023 - Creative Category Winner

Delphin Montessuit

© Delphin Montessuit / Red Bull Illume



Shots that are straight out of the camera showcasing the real image. Composition, exposure, lighting done in front of the lens and in the scene, not behind a screen. That’s the RAW category – un-cropped, un-touched, no filter.
Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2023 - RAW Category Winner

Léo Grosgurin

© Léo Grosgurin / Red Bull Illume


Photos of Instagram

Photos submitted on the Instagram feed - the most gram-worthy photos. Stuff so cool the jury will have to stop scrolling.
  • Phase 1: Photos of Instagram and Reels of Instagram were open between May 1 - May 31, 2023
  • Phase 2: The Red Bull Illume Judges selected the 25 semi-finalists for both Photos and Reels of Instagram
  • Phase 3: The community voted for the five finalists of each from June 12 - 18, 2023 on our website
  • Phase 4: The community has the chance to vote for the category winners from June 26 until July 3 noon UTC which will be crowned at the Winner Award Ceremony in Sölden, Austria on November 30, 2023
Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2023 - Photos of Instagram Category Winner

Yhabril Moro

© Yhabril Moro / Red Bull Illume


Reels of Instagram

Videos up to 60 seconds submitted on the Instagram feed - the best footage of adventure and action sports.

1 min

Gabriel Marwein

Red Bull Illume Image Quest 2023 - Reels of Instagram Category Winner

This is the top selection

After thousands of images have been submitted into the 10 categories, the top images have been carefully selected. You can dive into the 250 best adventure and action sports photos and reels of the seventh edition of Red Bull Illume here.

The finalists are announced

The top 5 from each category have now been revealed, as selected by the jury of 52 photography industry experts. It's just a short wait until we know who will take home the individual categories. All finalists are invited to the Red Bull Illume Winner Award Ceremony in Sölden, Austria that takes place from November 28 - 30. There, the 10 category winners will be awarded along with the overall winner.